

At S&K Insurance, we're here to make insurance easy to understand. Let us teach you about the ins and outs of home, auto, business, and life insurance. With our expertise, you'll feel confident and protected.

By Jason Storoschuck 01 May, 2024
As the temperatures rise, there's no better way to cool off than a refreshing dip in your own pool. At S&K Insurance, we want to ensure that your summer is as enjoyable and safe as possible, which is why we've put together some vital tips and insurance considerations for pool owners. Dive into these insights and share them with fellow pool enthusiasts! Safety First: Essential Pool Safety Tips C onstant Supervision One of the golden rules of pool safety is constant adult supervision. Whether it’s children playing water games or adults swimming laps, having a watchful eye at all times is crucial. A moment's distraction can result in accidents, making vigilant supervision essential for everyone’s safety. Secure the Area To prevent accidental falls into the pool by children or pets, it’s imperative to have a secure perimeter. A fence with a self-closing, self-latching gate provides a physical barrier that can be a lifesaver, ensuring that the pool area remains safe and accessible only to those who should be there. Safety Equipment With statistics showing over 6,000 children under 15 visiting emergency rooms annually due to pool-related injuries, equipping your pool with the right safety tools is a must. Essential items include life rings, safety ropes, and a well-stocked first aid kit. Additionally, it’s vital that everyone knows the location of these items and how to use them effectively. Protecting Your Peace of Mind: Insurance for Pool Owners Review Your Policy Owning a pool increases your liability risk, which is why it's important to review your homeowner's insurance policy regularly. Ensure that it is up-to-date and provides adequate liability coverage to protect you in case of accidents. Consider Umbrella Insurance For those seeking additional peace of mind, an umbrella insurance policy can be a worthwhile investment. This type of insurance extends beyond your standard homeowner's coverage, offering extra liability protection. It acts as an additional safeguard, protecting your financial security against claims that could arise from pool-related incidents. Enjoy Your Pool With Confidence By prioritizing safety and securing the right insurance coverage, you can enjoy your pool with confidence all summer long. Remember, being proactive about pool safety and your insurance needs ensures that your leisure time remains uninterrupted by unforeseen complications. At S&K Insurance, we are here to help you review and adjust your insurance policies to match your lifestyle needs. Contact us today to discuss how you can best protect your home and loved ones this pool season.
By Jason Storoschuck 20 Apr, 2024
Summer is just around the corner, bringing with it the promise of sunny days filled with outdoor adventures. At S&K Insurance, we want to ensure that you're fully prepared and protected as you enjoy all that the season has to offer. Whether you're looking forward to boating, jet skiing, ATVing, motorcycling, or RVing, having the right insurance coverage is not just a necessity—it's crucial for your peace of mind. Why Is Proper Insurance So Important? 1. Unpredictable Weather: Summer can be unpredictable, with severe storms, floods, or hail. Proper insurance acts as a protective shield, covering you against these unexpected natural events. 2. Vulnerability to Theft and Damage: Theft, vandalism, and accidents are unfortunate realities. Adequate insurance coverage ensures that these mishaps don't put a damper on your summer fun. 3. Home Insurance Limitations: It's a common misconception that home insurance policies cover motorized vehicles. This isn't usually the case, and specialized policies are necessary for comprehensive protection. 4. Financing Requirements: If you're financing or leasing your summer toys, maintaining insurance is often not just advisable but required. Specific Tips for Different Types of Summer Toys Motorcycles: Standard home and auto policies generally do not cover motorcycles. You'll need a specialized motorcycle policy, which takes into account factors such as the type of bike you own and your driving record. ATVs: Like motorcycles, ATVs require specific insurance. However, you might find potential savings by installing safety features on your ATV. Boats: For boats, consider an actual cash value policy for better affordability, although smaller watercraft might already be covered under your homeowner's policy. Also, remember that a significant number of boats are stolen while stored on trailers—secure storage is a must. RVs: Insurance for RVs varies depending on the type and usage. Your premiums might be influenced by whether you live in your RV full-time or use it occasionally for recreation. Making the Most of Your Summer At S&K Insurance, we believe that the best summer experiences come from having peace of mind, knowing you're well-protected. Before you head out on your next adventure, let's make sure your insurance needs are fully met. Whether you need to update an existing policy or are looking for new coverage, we're here to help. Ready to enjoy a worry-free summer? Contact S&K Insurance today to ensure your summer toys are as ready for adventure as you are!
By Jason Storoschuck 07 Mar, 2024
In the dynamic world of business, staying ahead of trends is not just beneficial; it's essential. As we approach 2024, it's crucial for business owners to be aware of the shifts in the commercial insurance market to make informed decisions about their coverage. At S&K Insurance, we're committed to providing our clients with the insights and support they need to navigate these changes successfully. Understanding the 2024 Commercial Insurance Rates The landscape of commercial insurance is set for slight adjustments in 2024, but it's important to note that significant changes are expected in specific areas. One of the most notable shifts will occur in property insurance rates, especially for businesses located in disaster-prone areas. Property Insurance Businesses situated in regions vulnerable to natural disasters should brace for an increase in property insurance rates, ranging from 10% to 25%. Conversely, for those in areas with lower risk, rates are anticipated to either remain stable or experience a modest rise of about 10%. This adjustment is mainly attributed to the escalated costs of materials and labor, coupled with increased rates from reinsurers. General Liability Insurance A slight uptick in general liability insurance rates is also expected, driven by social inflation. Insurance carriers are becoming more meticulous in scrutinizing claims, emphasizing the importance of preparedness for business owners. Workers Compensation and Business Insurance In contrast to the rising trends in other areas, the rates for workers' compensation and certain business insurance lines may maintain stability or even decrease. This presents a silver lining for businesses looking to optimize their insurance expenses. Cyber Insurance The cyber insurance market remains resilient, with anticipated rate changes fluctuating between a 5% decrease and a 5% increase. However, the sector is susceptible to shifts triggered by a rise in claims or financial market disruptions. Planning Ahead Given these projections, it's advisable for business owners to review and adjust their 2024 insurance plans accordingly. Understanding these trends is the first step towards securing the right coverage at favorable rates. We're Here to Help At S&K Insurance, our priority is ensuring that your business is well-protected against unforeseen challenges. If you have any questions or concerns about how these changes might impact your insurance coverage, we're just an email or phone call away. Our team is dedicated to helping you navigate the insurance landscape, ensuring you have the peace of mind to focus on what you do best—running your business. For personalized advice and solutions tailored to your business's unique needs, don't hesitate to reach out. Let us help you prepare for a successful 2024. Contact S&K Insurance to discuss your commercial insurance needs and discover how we can support your business's growth and security.
By Jason Storoschuck 02 Mar, 2024
In the realm of financial planning, there's a tool of utmost importance that often gets overshadowed by misconceptions and myths, especially among the younger generation of homeowners. We're talking about life insurance—a subject that, admittedly, doesn't always make for the most exciting conversation, but one that is crucial nonetheless. At S&K Insurance, we've noticed a concerning trend: less than half of millennials have life insurance coverage. This is largely due to widespread misunderstandings about the nature of life insurance, including fears of exorbitant premiums and a belief in a complex, burdensome process for obtaining coverage. We're here to dispel these myths and shed light on why life insurance is not just a wise investment but a necessary one for homeowners of all ages. Lower Costs Today Mean Savings Tomorrow One of the most compelling reasons to consider life insurance now rather than later is the cost benefit. Many don't realize that premiums are significantly lower when you're younger and healthier. Essentially, the youngest age you are now is the cheapest age to buy life insurance. It's a simple truth that delaying this decision only leads to higher costs down the line. And while you may have group life insurance through your employer, it's often not enough. An individual policy can fill in those coverage gaps and ensure that you're adequately protected. The True Cost of Being Unprepared Another aspect often overlooked is the financial burden that can fall on your loved ones in the absence of life insurance. Consider the costs associated with funeral expenses, which average just under $8,000. Opting for cremation might lower the cost slightly, but it doesn't alleviate the financial strain your family might face in your absence. Beyond just funeral costs, life insurance can provide for the ongoing needs of your loved ones, ensuring they're taken care of financially. Making the Process Easy and Accessible At S&K Insurance, we understand that the idea of navigating life insurance policies can seem daunting. However, we're here to assure you that the process is anything but complicated. Our team is committed to providing a straightforward, hassle-free experience to help you secure the peace of mind and financial planning that life insurance offers. Life insurance isn't just about covering the "what ifs" in life; it's about planning for the future and ensuring that your loved ones are cared for, no matter what. It's a vital part of financial planning that deserves more attention, especially among homeowners who are looking to secure their family's future. If you've been on the fence about life insurance, now is the time to reconsider. We're here to guide you through the process, answer any questions you may have, and help you find the coverage that best suits your needs. Don't wait until it's too late to think about life insurance. Contact us today , and let's start planning for a secure future together.
By Jason Storoschuck 09 Feb, 2024
As we step into the early months of 2024, it's important for all insurance clients to be aware of the evolving landscape in homeowners and auto insurance. At S&K Insurance, our goal is to keep you informed and prepared for the changes ahead, especially regarding the expected premium increases across both sectors. Despite these challenges, we're dedicated to helping you manage your budget effectively while ensuring you have the essential coverage you need. Understanding Auto Insurance Premium Increases in 2024 Several factors are contributing to the anticipated rise in auto insurance premiums this year: Theft Rates: An uptick in vehicle thefts continues, with a 2% increase in the first half of 2023 compared to the same period in 2022. This follows a significant surge in 2022, marking the highest theft rate since 2008. Impact of the UAW Strike: The auto workers strike in fall 2023 is expected to lead to increased cycle times for vehicle repairs and higher prices for non-OEM parts, affecting overall vehicle costs. Vehicle Repair Costs: Despite a more modest increase of 4.6% in repair costs through the second quarter of 2023, these costs continue to be a factor in rising premiums. Limited Inventory and Higher Replacement Costs: The scarcity of vehicles has inflated car values and replacement costs, contributing to higher insurance premiums. Severe Weather: Insurance companies are adjusting premiums to offset millions in losses from natural disasters. Rising Medical Expenses: With medical costs climbing, auto insurers face higher payouts for bodily injury claims, necessitating increases in premiums. These factors, whether individually or combined, are poised to push auto insurance prices higher throughout 2024. The Outlook for Homeowners Insurance in 2024 Homeowners insurance rates are also expected to climb, driven by several key trends: Increased Natural Disasters: A dramatic rise in natural disasters has led to more severe and frequent claims, pushing premiums higher. The loss from natural disasters has surged by almost 700% since the 1980s. Insurer Caution: Following significant weather events, many insurers are choosing not to renew policies in high-risk areas or are exiting states like Florida and California entirely. 2023 Rate Hikes: Major insurance providers have already implemented significant rate increases, and there's no indication that this trend will slow down in 2024. How to Manage Rising Insurance Costs Despite these challenges, there are strategies you can employ to mitigate the impact of rising insurance costs: Bundle Your Policies: Combining your home and auto insurance can lead to savings. Keep Your Coverage Current: Regularly review your policies to ensure they're up-to-date and reflect your current needs. Policy Review and Shopping: Schedule a policy review with us. We can explore new discounts and compare policies across multiple carriers to find the best fit for you. We understand that navigating insurance in 2024 may seem daunting. S&K Insurance is here to guide you through these changes and help you find ways to stay well-insured without stretching your budget. If you have any questions or wish to discuss your insurance needs further, please don't hesitate to contact us. Your peace of mind is our priority. Let's work together to ensure that you remain protected through the upcoming changes in the insurance landscape.
By Jason Storoschuck 03 Jan, 2024
As we embark on a new year, I trust this message finds you in good spirits. At S&K Insurance, we're passionate about ensuring our clients are not merely equipped with insurance policies but are fortified with the right coverage to navigate life's twists and turns. The dawn of 2024 brings with it an invigorating opportunity to revisit and reevaluate your insurance portfolio. In the spirit of New Year's resolutions, my commitment is to personally connect with each client and guarantee that you have the necessary coverage tailored to your ever-evolving needs. In pursuit of this commitment, I'm extending an exclusive invitation: a complimentary review of your current insurance coverages. This meticulous assessment aims to: Understanding Your Evolving Needs Life is in a constant state of flux, and your insurance should mirror these changes. Through our review process, we'll comprehensively analyze your current coverage against your present circumstances and future ambitions. Whether you've experienced life milestones, career shifts, or other significant changes, this review ensures your coverage aligns with your reality. Uncovering Opportunities for Savings Financial prudence is paramount. Our team is dedicated to identifying potential cost-saving measures without compromising the integrity of your coverage. We'll explore avenues to optimize your insurance expenditure while maintaining robust protection for what matters most to you. Customizing for Comprehensive Protection Insurance gaps can leave you vulnerable. During our review, we'll pinpoint any deficiencies in your coverage. Whether it's additional protection against emerging risks or newfound opportunities in the insurance landscape, we'll work closely with you to integrate these enhancements seamlessly. Initiating this process is effortless—simply respond to this email, and we'll swiftly embark on your personalized insurance review. Rest assured, our team is committed to ensuring your insurance portfolio is resilient and finely tuned to meet the challenges and triumphs of the year ahead. At S&K Insurance, your peace of mind is at the core of our service philosophy. We firmly believe that staying proactive in securing your future is an integral part of our dedication to your well-being. Thank you for entrusting us with your insurance needs. I eagerly anticipate our conversation, where together, we'll fortify your coverage for the journey ahead.
By Jason Storoschuck 12 Dec, 2023
Understanding Insurance Coverage for Special Gifts The dawn of a new year often brings forth queries from our clients regarding the coverage of precious holiday gifts under their homeowners insurance. Specifically, concerns arise about whether items like jewelry, watches, and fine art are adequately protected. The Policy Reality Check Let's address the primary concern: Standard homeowners policies typically do not fully cover these high-value gifts. While the level of coverage can vary, it's crucial to recognize that many policies fall short when it comes to safeguarding such items. Your Valuables Deserve Special Attention At S&K Insurance, we understand the emotional and financial significance of these treasured possessions. That's why we're committed to ensuring that your valuable gifts are protected with the appropriate coverage. Supplemental Coverage: The Smart Move The good news? Securing supplemental coverage for these valuable gifts is both simple and affordable. Whether it's your grandmother's heirloom necklace or a contemporary piece of fine art, we've got you covered. How We Can Help At S&K Insurance, we strive to make the process of securing supplemental coverage seamless and stress-free for you. Here's how we stand out: Personalized Review Complimentary Assessment: Reach out to us for a free, personalized review of your existing homeowners policy. Tailored Solutions: We'll craft a customized plan to ensure your valuable items receive the protection they warrant. Dedicated Support Expert Guidance: Our team is equipped with the knowledge and dedication to guide you through the process. Responsive Service: Quick and efficient assistance to address your concerns and questions promptly. Easy Initiation Simple Steps: Respond to this email or give us a call to kickstart the process. Hassle-Free Process: We'll handle the details, making the entire process smooth and hassle-free for you. Take Charge of Protecting Your Treasures Starting the year by securing adequate coverage for your prized possessions is a prudent move. Let us help you ensure that your high-value gifts are safeguarded against unforeseen circumstances. Your Next Steps Contact Us: Reach out via email or phone to begin your complimentary policy review. Review & Recommendations: We'll assess your current coverage and offer tailored recommendations. Peace of Mind: Rest assured, knowing that your precious gifts are properly protected. The start of a new year is an opportune time to reassess your insurance coverage, particularly regarding valuable gifts received during the holidays. Don't leave the protection of these special items to chance. At S&K Insurance, we're dedicated to providing you with peace of mind by ensuring your cherished possessions are adequately covered. Let's work together to safeguard what matters most to you.
By Jason Storoschuck 09 Nov, 2023
The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and giving. It's also a time when we tend to accumulate new possessions, from gifts received to holiday decorations. As you prepare for the festivities, it's important to remember the value of your personal property and take steps to protect it. In this blog post, we'll discuss the importance of creating a personal property inventory and how S&K Insurance can help you safeguard your belongings. Why Protecting Your Property Matters: Your personal property holds both sentimental and financial value. From electronics and jewelry to furniture and clothing, the items you own contribute to your overall quality of life. Unfortunately, unexpected events like theft, fire, or natural disasters can occur at any time, leaving you vulnerable to significant losses. By taking proactive measures to protect your property, you can ensure that you are adequately covered and prepared for any unforeseen circumstances. Creating a Personal Property Inventory: One of the most effective ways to protect your personal belongings is by creating a comprehensive inventory. This inventory should include a detailed list of all your possessions, along with their estimated value, purchase dates, and any relevant receipts or documentation. By documenting your belongings, you can provide evidence of ownership and value to your insurance provider in the event of a claim. Tips for Creating an Inventory: 1. Start with one room at a time: Begin by focusing on a single room and systematically go through each item, noting its details. 2. Take photographs or videos: Visual documentation is essential. Capture clear images or videos of each item, including any distinguishing features or serial numbers. 3. Keep receipts and appraisals: Gather any receipts, appraisals, or certificates of authenticity for high-value items. These documents will help validate their worth. 4. Store your inventory securely: Keep a digital copy of your inventory in a secure location, such as a cloud-based storage service or a password-protected external hard drive. This ensures accessibility even if physical copies are lost or damaged. How S&K Insurance Can Help: At S&K Insurance, we understand the importance of protecting your personal property. Our experienced team of insurance professionals can guide you through the process of creating a personal property inventory and help you choose the right insurance coverage to suit your needs. We offer comprehensive policies that cover a wide range of risks, ensuring that your belongings are safeguarded against theft, damage, and other unforeseen events. This holiday season, take the time to protect your personal property by creating a comprehensive inventory. By doing so, you can ensure that you have the necessary documentation to support any insurance claims and recover your losses in the event of an unfortunate incident. Remember, S&K Insurance is here to assist you every step of the way, providing the coverage and peace of mind you deserve. Contact us today to learn more about our insurance options and how we can help protect what matters most to you.
By Jason Storoschuck 06 Nov, 2023
Are you noticing an increase in your insurance premiums during your renewals this year? You're not alone. The insurance industry is currently grappling with a wave of changes that are affecting premiums across the board. In this blog post, we'll dive into the factors driving these premium adjustments and offer some strategies to help you navigate this evolving landscape. Higher Rebuilding Costs One of the primary factors contributing to rising insurance premiums is the increasing cost of rebuilding properties. The prices of materials and labor have surged, and the supply chain for construction materials is experiencing disruptions. These factors collectively result in higher rebuilding costs for your home. As a result, insurance carriers are compelled to adjust their premiums to cover these elevated expenses. Higher Vehicle Repair Costs If you've recently had to repair your vehicle, you may have noticed the escalating costs. Auto repair costs have surged by 20% due to the rising prices of auto parts and the labor required for vehicle repairs. Additionally, modern vehicles come equipped with advanced technology features, making repairs more complex and expensive. These factors are driving up the cost of auto insurance. Rising Medical Costs The cost of medical care continues to climb, with medical expenses for injuries sustained in auto accidents reaching unprecedented levels. This increase in bodily injury costs is a significant contributor to higher insurance premiums, especially in the realm of auto insurance. Increased Litigation Costs Litigation costs are on the rise, surging by 30% in 2022 alone. The escalating expenses associated with legal disputes are a significant burden on insurance carriers, and these costs are inevitably passed on to policyholders. More Frequent and Severe Auto Accidents The post-COVID era has seen a spike in auto accidents, along with a corresponding increase in auto fatalities. This surge in accidents, both in terms of frequency and severity, places added strain on insurance companies, prompting adjustments in premiums to accommodate these elevated risks. Higher Reinsurance Costs Reinsurance plays a vital role in helping insurance carriers manage catastrophic losses. However, reinsurance capacity is reaching its limits in many markets, and the costs associated with reinsurance are becoming unsustainable. These rising reinsurance costs are indirectly affecting your insurance premiums. What You Can Do to Navigate the Current Insurance Market Despite these challenges, there are steps you can take to navigate the evolving insurance market effectively: 1. Consider Higher Deductibles While not suitable for everyone, opting for higher deductibles can help lower your premium costs. If you're unsure whether this is the right choice for your specific situation, consult with your insurance agent for personalized advice. 2. Avoid Policy Lapses Insurance carriers are becoming less lenient when it comes to policy reinstatements. To prevent complications, ensure your policy doesn't lapse by paying your premiums on time or in advance. 3. Don't Overlook Tenure Frequent switches between insurance companies can have a negative impact on your insurance profile. Some carriers may even refuse new clients with less than two years of tenure or a history of numerous claims. 4. Absorb Small Claims Consider handling smaller claims out of pocket whenever possible. Frequent claims can significantly impact your coverage rates, so reserving your insurance for catastrophic losses is a smart strategy. Understanding the reasons behind rising insurance premiums and taking proactive measures can help you manage these increases while still ensuring you have the coverage you need. If you have questions or need further guidance on this topic or related insurance matters, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to help you navigate the ever-changing insurance landscape and find the best solutions for your needs.
By Jason Storoschuck 01 Oct, 2023
As an insurance agent, my job involves keeping a close eye on news and trends that could impact my clients' lives. Back in August, I stumbled upon a heart-wrenching story that served as a catalyst for change. It led Missouri to become the 49th state to ban drivers from holding their phones or texting while driving, leaving Montana as the only outlier. This poignant incident made me realize the critical importance of addressing distracted driving. As we approach Distracted Driving Awareness Month this October, I want to emphasize the significance of staying focused on the road and share some concerning statistics that underscore the dangers of distracted driving. The Sobering Statistics Distracted driving is a pervasive issue that affects people of all ages. Here are a few statistics that should give us all pause: 1. Phone Usage While Driving is on the Rise: In 2022, it was reported that drivers interacted with their phones on nearly 58% of trips, a noticeable increase from 54% in 2020. This alarming trend indicates that distracted driving is becoming more widespread, despite our knowledge of its dangers. 2. Teen Awareness vs. Actions: A particularly concerning statistic is that while 94% of teenagers are aware of the dangers of texting and driving, a startling 35% admit to doing it anyway. This highlights the gap between knowledge and behavior, especially among younger drivers who may be more prone to taking risks. 3. Fatal Consequences: Approximately 9% of all vehicle fatalities are linked to distracted driving. This means that out of every 100 fatal accidents, nearly one in ten is a result of someone being distracted behind the wheel. These accidents often have devastating consequences for families and communities. 4. Thousands of Lives Lost: Annually, around 3,000 people lose their lives due to distracted driving. These are not just statistics; they are real people with families, dreams, and futures. It's a toll that our society should not be willing to bear. Taking Action to Prevent Distracted Driving In light of these statistics, I urge you to take a proactive stance during Distracted Driving Awareness Month. It's an opportunity to revisit the importance of driving without distractions and to educate your loved ones about this critical issue. Here are some steps you can take: 1. Have Conversations: Engage in open conversations with your family, friends, and especially young drivers about the dangers of distracted driving. Encourage them to make a commitment to drive safely and undistracted. 2. Lead by Example: As adults, we should set a good example. Show your loved ones that you prioritize safety by not using your phone or engaging in other distractions while driving. 3. Educational Resources: Share educational resources like websites and short videos that provide valuable information on the dangers of distracted driving and tips for staying focused on the road. Distracted Driving Awareness Month serves as an important reminder that we all play a role in promoting road safety. Let's not wait for tragedies to inspire change. By actively addressing distracted driving within our circles and being conscientious drivers ourselves, we can contribute to a safer and more responsible road environment. Together, we can work towards reducing the devastating impact of distracted driving and making our roads safer for everyone.
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